EU Migration and Homeaffairs
Security: Commission tackles potential threats from civilian drones

Today, 18 October 2023, the Commission adopted a new Communication on countering threats posed by unlawful and dangerous use of drones that are designed for civil use. This communication outlines the EU’s future policy in drone usage and is an important step in developing a harmonised legal framework to mitigate potential risks.
Drone technology is quickly evolving into a key element of Europe’s future economy and society, notably in the domains of transport, defense, commerce, and services. The legitimate use of drones is a key part of the path towards the twin green and digital transitions. Nevertheless, their increasing use in the EU and the constantly enhanced capabilities of drones could pose security risks, in the absence of the necessary legal framework.
The Communication highlights how the Commission can offer support to Member States and private operators in this field, by building a mutual understanding of procedures to tackle the possible use of drones for criminal activities. It builds on two handbooks recently developed by the Commission’s Joint Research Centre, which provide practical guidance on key technical aspects of the EU Drone policy.
The Communication identifies a set of actions for the implementation of an effective Drone policy, clustered into six pillars:
Community building & information sharing
Exploring regulatory measures
Assistance in drone technology
Practical guidance and operational support
Research and innovation
Funding support
For More Information
Link:, dated October 18, 2023 2:18 pm