Canada celebrates Welcoming Week 2024

Canada celebrates Welcoming Week 2024
Ottawa, September 13, 2024—The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, issued the following statement on the start of Welcoming Week 2024:
“By celebrating our strengths and differences, we create a community where everyone feels included and valued. With the exception of Indigenous Peoples, all of us trace our stories back to immigration. Whether your family has been here for generations or you have recently arrived, we can all benefit from a welcoming community.
Most of us can relate to what it’s like to be in a new place. Whether it’s a new country, school, neighbourhood or workplace, we understand the importance of feeling welcomed. By connecting through these shared experiences and extending a message of welcome, we foster a sense of belonging for everyone, and make our communities more diverse and inclusive, driving greater success for all.
By fostering an inclusive environment, we acknowledge that immigrants are part of shaping Canada’s future. According to Statistics Canada, as of 2021, immigrants aged 25 to 54 made up 1 in 5 workers in construction; 1 in 3 workers in professional, scientific and technical services; and more than 1 in 3 workers in the transportation, warehousing, accommodation and food services sectors, which highlights the importance of newcomers to the Canadian labour market, particularly in occupations for which workers are in shortage.
To kick off Welcoming Week, I look forward to welcoming new citizens to the Canadian family at a citizenship ceremony today, in Ottawa. It is always a great honour for me to witness this significant moment in a newcomer’s life.
I encourage you to share how you’re celebrating on social media by using the hashtag #WelcomingWeek2024. Your actions can inspire others to create more welcoming communities. I wish everyone a wonderful Welcoming Week!”
For further information (media only), please contact:
Aissa Diop
Director of Communications
Minister’s Office
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Media Relations
Communications Sector
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Link:, dated September 12, 2024 10:43 pm