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How to immigrate to Canada?

Self-employed Persons Class

shallow focus photography of two women doing work in table

This class is for world-renowned self-employed (SE) foreign nationals with relevant experience who have the intention and ability to work as self-employed in Canada and make significant contributions in cultural activities or athletics.

How to apply?

Download the application package from the IRCC website, complete and submit it to CIO – Self Employed (SE) in Sydney Nova Scotia. You can submit the applications both online and on paper.


Point SystemEarn a minimum of 35/100 points on the self-employed persons class grid which includes experience (35 points), Age (10 points), Education (25 points), English or French language (24 points) and adaptability (6 points).
Pass scoreMust obtain a minimum of 35 points out of 100 on the self-employed persons selection grid.
ExperienceWithin the last 5 years, the applicant must have a minimum of 2 years of self-employment experience or participation experience in world-class cultural activities or athletics which are specified under NOC 51 and NOC 52. Non-continuous experience is allowed but the duration of each experience must not be less than one year. A combination of self-employment and “participation” activity is also allowed.
Job Offern. a
Educationn. a
Financial commitmentThough there is no minimum investment level specified, the SE person should have the required capital suitable for the nature of the work the SE is going to perform in Canada. Proof for both intent and ability to perform the self-employment work is required.
Settlement fundMust have a sufficient amount of money to support himself and the family until self-employment is created

LINKS AND RESOURCES: (Accessed in Sep 2021).

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