EU Migration and Homeaffairs
Commission welcomes political agreement on new and stronger rules for the import, export and transit of firearms

On 14 March, the European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional political agreement on the Commission’s proposal to update the Regulation on import, export and transit of firearms for civilian use. The revised rules will enhance security and address firearms trafficking.
Firearms trafficking facilitates terrorism and organised crime, including drug and human trafficking. Over the last years, the risk of illicit trade of firearms has increased, also due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. At the same time, legal firearms owners, such as hunters and sport shooters, face a high administrative burden due to the different national rules and procedures.
The updated rules include clear and common procedures for the import, export and transit of firearms for civilian use, as well as simplified procedures for hunters, sport shooters, historical reenactors and exhibitors. For instance, EU residents won’t need import or export authorisation when holding a European Firearms Pass. Additionally, a new EU electronic licensing system for firearms owners and dealers will allow them to apply for import and export authorisations under a common EU system. This paperless system will save applicants time and simplify procedures.
The proposal represents a step forward in the implementation of the Security Union Strategy, and the 2020-2025 Action plan on firearms trafficking.
Next Steps
The Regulation must now be formally adopted by the European Parliament and the Council before entering into force, 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.
Find Out More
Trafficking in firearms – European Commission (
Link:, dated March 14, 2024 11:41 am