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EU network against corruption convenes for the first time in Brussels

On 20 September 2023, the EU network against corruption met for the first time. Established with the European Commission’s anti-corruption package, on 3 May 2023, this network aims to foster collaboration, identify trends and build more effective anti-corruption policies across the EU. It brings together all stakeholders in the fight against corruption, from national authorities and experts to international organisations and relevant EU bodies.

With the EU anti-corruption package, the Commission stepped up its action to support Member States’ anti-corruption policies and legislation, and build a common culture of integrity against corruption. As stated by Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, in her inaugural address, we need to join forces and end corruption.

“It takes a network to fight a network: criminals are getting more and more international, thus we need to work together in the EU and beyond our borders. All in one place, all in one network, we need to talk to exchange ideas, plans and projects to develop practices and gather data to map high-risk areas of corruption.”

In their opening remarks, Ms. Emily O’Reilly, European Ombudsman, and Ms. Ramona Strugariu, Member of the European Parliament and rapporteur for the proposal for a Directive on combating corruption, underlined the network’s importance. They stressed that combating corruption is more necessary than ever for our democracies, as it is key to winning citizens’ trust, particularly in a context of growing populism.

The network is meant as an umbrella forum for stakeholders in the EU to exchange good practices, and brainstorm ideas and plans. It will support the Commission in developing practical guidelines, particularly in mapping high-risk areas of corruption. The knowledge and best practices shared in the EU network will also be used to develop a future EU strategy against corruption.

The network is inclusive and hosts different perspectives. Panelists, consisting of national representatives (DE, FI), other networks (NIEWA) and civil society representatives (UNCAC coalition), welcomed the network’s launch, stressing the need to ensure synergies with existing initiatives for more effective anti-corruption policies.

A subsequent panel with the International Olympic Committee, the French High Authority on Transparency in Public Life, Europol and Eurojust presented topics for future investigation. In the afternoon, participants discussed good practices and trends identified in the 2023 Rule of Law report. Finally, the Commission presented the most relevant funding opportunities for anti-corruption projects under Erasmus+, the Internal Security Fund (ISF) and the Technical Support Instrument (TSI).


Link:, dated September 22, 2023 12:59 pm

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