EU Migration and Homeaffairs
European Commission and NGOs discuss the implementation of the Migration Pact

On 23 May 2024, only a few days after the official adoption of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, the Commission and representatives of non-governmental organisations and civil society discussed the implementation of the new rules.
More than 100 participants joined in person and online to exchange views and discuss the role of civil society in the implementation of the new EU migration management and asylum rules. Overall, the main takeaway from the meeting was the focus on collaboration in a frank and constructive atmosphere.
The European Commission counts on the involvement of NGOs and civil society who should play a key role on the ground, as they bring hands-on experience working with migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.
The Migration Pact foresees various roles for the non-governmental and civil society organisations, especially in the area of information provision, reception and integration. NGOs can help public authorities provide legal counselling to applicants in all asylum procedures, and can be involved in independent monitoring mechanisms to ensure respect of fundamental rights in EU countries.
The Commission took away that NGOs found the meeting useful and appreciated the speakers’ openness and ability to address doubts and clarify misunderstandings about the Pact. NGOs also expressed their hope for the Commission, in its role leading on the implementation, to encourage EU countries to work with civil society.
Focus on implementation
The European Commission presented key elements of the Pact and the steps ahead, focusing on the pivotal role NGOs and civil society will play in the implementation of the new rules on the ground. Many questions and comments on the border procedure and safeguards of fundamental rights followed. Participants also asked whether and how the Commission will monitor the compliance of national authorities, to which the Commission referred to the new monitoring role of the EUAA, the existing monitoring under the Schengen Evaluation mechanism, as well as fundamental rights officers in different EU agencies. In addition, the Commission remains the guardian of the treaties.
To steer the discussion towards the future tasks, the audience was invited to respond to the following questions:
- Where do you see challenges when implementing the Pact? How can you help to address them?
- How do you see your own role in the implementation of the Pact? How can you contribute to its success?
- What measures will you take to prepare your respective organisations to be fit for the Pact?
Some interventions touched on the challenges of becoming involved at national level, while others focused on the need for resources. Participants underlined the importance of sharing their expertise and tools with the Commission and EU countries in the implementation of the Pact.
Several participants described the situation in their field and underlined the need to better explain the Pact to their stakeholders. The Commission highlighted some key innovations such as legal counselling for every asylum applicant, high reception standards, more tools to monitor fundamental rights, and representation for unaccompanied minors.
The Commission envisages continuing the dialogue with NGOs and civil society for the months and years to come, including at the 2024 European Migration Forum, at the EUAA Consultative Forum, as well as in country visits.
The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum was formally adopted by the Council of the EU on 14 May 2024. It is a set of measures to manage migration and establish a common asylum system at EU level. By June 2026, all its provisions must be implemented by EU countries, which will need to fulfil their new obligations.
Find out more
Questions & answers on the Pact
Link:, dated May 27, 2024 2:04 pm