Minister Miller Highlights the Importance of Francophone Immigration During National Francophone Immigration Week

Minister Miller Highlights the Importance of Francophone Immigration During National Francophone Immigration Week
Ottawa, November 6, 2023 – The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, made the following statement:
“Today, we are celebrating the 11th edition of National Francophone Immigration Week under the theme ‘A welcoming land.’ This week allows us to highlight the importance of Francophone immigration to Canada. It is an opportunity for everyone in Canada to celebrate the cultural diversity that makes our country shine. This is also the time to express our appreciation for the extraordinary contribution of French-speaking immigrants to Canada’s cultural, demographic and economic richness.
“Recently, we announced the new admissions targets for French-speaking immigrants outside Quebec. They were set at 6% for 2024, 7% for 2025 and 8% for 2026. These ambitious, realistic and achievable targets demonstrate Canada’s commitment to strengthening the vitality of Francophone minority communities, supporting labour needs across the country and contributing to restoring the demographic weight of Francophones.
“Over the past few months, my department has engaged in consultations on the new Francophone immigration policy with the provinces and territories, as well as with representatives of Francophone communities. We are actively working on this policy under the modernized Official Languages Act. It will be launched soon and will clearly establish the approach that will be used to support the development of Francophone communities outside Quebec.
“These consultations have helped to improve the content of the policy and ensure that it meets the needs of Francophone communities outside Quebec. We welcome the commitment of our partners and recognize the importance of working closely with the provinces and territories and Francophone communities.
“These efforts illustrate the Government of Canada’s commitment to supporting the overall success of Francophone newcomers, to fostering the vitality of Francophone communities outside Quebec and to protecting the French language, which is an integral part of Canada’s identity. We still have much to do, and we will continue our efforts to encourage Francophone immigration, a key priority for the coming years.
“During National Francophone Immigration Week, I welcome all Francophone newcomers who have chosen Canada as their new home. You are already helping to write Canada’s history; we are glad to be able to welcome you here. I encourage Canadians to use this week to reflect on the value of the French-speaking immigrants who have chosen our country, and to do their part to welcome them with warmth and compassion. Happy National Francophone Immigration Week to all!”
Discover the welcoming Francophone communities and some testimonials from immigrants who chose Canada to live their lives in French.
For further information (media only), please contact:
Bahoz Dara Aziz
Press Secretary
Minister’s Office
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Media Relations
Communications Sector
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Link:, dated November 3, 2023 6:38 pm