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New release of Rodal Report in commitment to transparency

New release of Rodal Report in commitment to transparency

News release

February 1, 2024—Ottawa—The Government of Canada is dedicated to honouring the memory of the millions of people who died senselessly in the Holocaust, and the Canadians who fought to liberate Europe from the Nazis. This tragic chapter in world history can never be forgotten.

Today, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced the new release of the Rodal Report, which was originally prepared in support of the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada (the Deschênes Commission), established in 1985. This newly released version, following a request made under the Access to Information Act, reveals information that was previously withheld.


The Rodal Report—known officially as Nazi War Criminals in Canada: the Historical and Policy Setting from the 1940s to the Present, by Alti Rodal (PDF format)—provides information on the historical policies and circumstances that led to the presence of Nazi war criminals in Canada. This new version of the report is now available on the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) website. While additional information that is no longer sensitive due to the passage of time can now be released, some information still remains protected in accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

This release is one part of the Government of Canada’s ongoing commitment to transparency, and to reviewing what additional historical records related to the investigation of war crimes can be released. Engagement with affected communities is ongoing, and the government is steadfast in ensuring that Canadians feel safe.

We remain committed to international justice and the fight against impunity for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. 



“Those who suffered under Nazi Germany and their descendants want transparency when it comes to this shameful chapter in our history. This is what led to the creation of the Deschênes Commission almost 40 years ago, and why we took this step to make the vast majority of the Rodal Report publicly available. More can and should be done to provide transparency.”

– The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

“LAC is committed to preserving and making historical records available to the public to contribute to the advancement of Canada as a free and democratic society.”

– Leslie Weir, Librarian and Archivist of Canada

Quick facts

  • The Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada, often referred to as the Deschênes Commission, was established by the Government of Canada in 1985 to investigate claims that a considerable number of Nazi war criminals had gained admittance to Canada.

  • The Rodal Report (part of the Commission’s collected works) was released in redacted form in 1987 and again in June 2023 via an access to information request. A new version was also released today in response to an access to information request.

  • Canada’s War Crimes Program works to ensure that people who commit or are complicit in war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide do not enter Canada. The program is delivered jointly by the Department of Justice Canada; Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada; the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canada Border Services Agency. The program works through three main avenues to seek accountability: various immigration proceedings, citizenship revocations and criminal investigations and prosecutions. 

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Contacts for media only:

Bahoz Dara Aziz 
Press Secretary
Minister’s Office
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada


Media Relations
Communications Sector
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Link:, dated February 1, 2024 8:04 pm

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