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Statement for International Migrants Day

Statement for International Migrants Day


Ottawa, December 18, 2023—The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development, issued the following statement:

“Newcomers, including refugees, play a vital role in shaping Canada. They enrich our society and communities, and contribute to our long-term economic prosperity.


“As the world is becoming increasingly complex and dangerous, the way people are moving across borders is changing rapidly. The climate crisis and increasing global conflict have compelled millions of people to leave their homes. Many migrants, who are already fleeing dangerous and vulnerable situations in their home countries, face threats to their well-being – including smuggling, human trafficking, violence and even death. International Migrants Day is a time to acknowledge the reality of these dangers and to reaffirm our commitment to support migrants, and uphold their human rights and dignity. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the many contributions that migrants make to their home and host countries.

“As a champion of the Global Compact for Migration, Canada works with other countries and organizations to promote safe, orderly and regular migration. We continue to encourage international partners to put in place regular migration and protection pathways, and we also support them in their efforts to settle and integrate newcomers.

“In addition, Canada actively promotes balanced and evidence-based public discussions on migrants and refugees, highlighting their significant contributions to society. As the world faces unprecedented numbers of people on the move, these positive discussions—along with well-managed migration systems—are critical to building strong social bonds and safeguarding community well-being. They also play an important role in boosting innovation and economic development.

“Canada presented and endorsed a number of pledges that advance solutions to the global refugee crisis at the recent Global Refugee Forum, the world’s largest gathering on migration and refugees. We reaffirmed our ongoing commitments to support refugee resettlement and integration, expand labour and education complementary pathways, improve refugees’ access to education, and strengthen asylum capacity and protection initiatives in the Americas. Canada recently committed $75 million over 6 years to support capacity-building projects in the Americas that will help countries better respond to the needs of migrants and those seeking protection. This funding builds on Canada’s ongoing engagement in the Americas, including our work to welcome 15,000 migrants on a humanitarian basis from the Western Hemisphere, as well as our support for the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection.

“Today, on International Migrants Day, we invite all Canadians to join us to express our solidarity with migrants by recognizing their human rights and dignity as they move across borders, celebrating the invaluable social and economic contributions they make to our society each and every day, and recognizing their courage and resiliency in the face of great hardship.”

For further information (media only), please contact:


Bahoz Dara Aziz
Press Secretary
Minister’s Office
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Media Relations
Communications Sector
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Isabella Orozco-Madison
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs


Media Relations
Global Affairs Canada

Alex Tétreault
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of International Development


Link:, dated December 18, 2023 3:40 pm

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