United Kingdom
ICIBI Inspection Plan 2023-24 Published

Commenting on the publication of his Inspection Plan for 2023-24, Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration David Neal said:
My third annual Inspection Plan, prepared in accordance with the requirements of the UK Borders Act 2007, outlines the programme of work I intend to undertake during the business year that begins today. In addition to identifying a range of topics from across the Home Office’s immigration, asylum, nationality, and customs functions that I expect to examine over the next 12 months, the Plan lists the inspection reports that are currently with the Home Secretary awaiting publication as well as inspections begun in 2022-23 that remain in progress.
I am grateful to the ministers, officials, and external stakeholders with whom I consulted while developing this Plan, and I look forward to working closely with the Home Office over the coming year to drive improvements in the operation of the UK government’s border and immigration functions through independent scrutiny and objective, evidence-based recommendations.
David Neal
Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, April 2023
Link: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/icibi-inspection-plan-2023-24-published, dated April 3, 2023 1:15 pm