EU Migration and Homeaffairs

Progress on Bulgaria and Romania’s Pilot Project with the Commission for fast asylum and return procedures

The Commission services with Bulgaria and Romania stepped up their cooperation and are implementing the Pilot project, on the basis of applicable Union and national legislation, with the support of the relevant EU Agencies, in the areas of asylum, returns, and border management and international cooperation since 20 March 2023 for a duration of six months. The pilot scheme builds on Bulgaria’s good practices and experience, including the good cooperation with Serbia and Türkiye, as well as with the EU agencies present in Bulgaria.

Today, more than three months after the start of the project, the Commission services, Bulgaria and Romania are pleased to report on the progress in the implementation of targeted tools achieved through the committed efforts of all parties, including of the Home Affairs agencies, which provide strong operational and technical support for the successful implementation of this project.

Throughout this process, the Commission services have identified best practices, related to border management, the asylum and return procedures, that could be implemented in other Member States. Some notable developments during the initial three months period are mentioned in the following.


For More Information

European Commission Press Release


The European Commission launched a pilot project with Bulgaria and Annex

The European Commission launched a pilot project with Romania and Annex

Home Affairs Funding

New Pact on Migration and Asylum

Link:, dated June 7, 2023 7:39 pm


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