New Zealand
Refugee Advisory Panel
Nine members from a diverse cross-section of New Zealand’s refugee community have been appointed to the inaugural New Zealand Refugee Advisory Panel.
Immigration New Zealand (INZ) partnered with Refugees Seeking Equal Access at the Table (R-SEAT) and Centre for Asia Pacific Refugee Studies (CAPRS) to set up New Zealand’s Refugee Advisory Panel.
The aim of the panel is to provide New Zealand’s refugee community the ability to have a voice on matters that directly affect them. The panel is a forum to have meaningful participation in the development of policies and strategies.
The unique collective skills and experiences of the panel members will enable rewarding collaborative engagements with government decision-makers and policy developers on matters impacting refugees in New Zealand.
As part of their two-year term, the panel will develop a sustainable engagement model which ensures refugee community perspectives are reflected in the development of New Zealand refugee policy.
Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is pleased to partner with CAPRS and R-SEAT on this important Kaupapa. Me mahi tahi tātou mo te oranga o te katoa – We must work together for the wellbeing of all.
A list of panel members is available on the CAPRS website below.
Link:, dated March 16, 2023 4:17 am