European Union

Reinforcing legal migration to help Europe thrive

Overcoming skills shortages in the EU

Why action is needed

Making recruitment from outside the EU easier

The Commission is proposing to establish an EU Talent Pool to facilitate the recruitment of jobseekers from non-EU countries, based on shortages occupations and labour market needs. Participation in the EU Talent Pool will be voluntary for Member States, who will support the management of the platform.


The platform will help match skilled third country nationals and employers more quickly and easily, whilst providing information for both jobseekers and employers on recruitment procedures and living and working conditions. It will also protect third country nationals from possible exploitative practices.

To improve relations bewteen the EU and key partner countries, the EU Talent Pool will also support the implementation of Talent Partnerships. These partnerships would provide mobility for work or training, increasing opportunities for legal migration and making irregular migration less appealing.

Faster recognition of professional qualifications and skills gained in third countries

The Commission has recommended to facilitate the recognition of skills and qualifications of third-country nationals. The set of measures will modernise the system currently in place and bring it closer to the system established for EU nationals that move to another Member State. The aim is to allow for quicker recognition decisions to fill vacancies in EU shortage occupations. The system will include recommendations to develop capacity in corresponding national authorities to simplify and expedite procedures, by improving the compatibility of third country qualifications and how to assess jobseekers’ skills.

Making learning mobility an opportunity for everybody



Without concerted action to address the increasing skills shortages in the EU, the current trends can undermine the green and digital transitions, dampen the EU’s competitiveness, and weaken public services in areas already facing a shortfall of workers such as healthcare and long-term care. That is why this package is so important, building on work under way with the Skills and Talent package and the New Pact on Migration and Asylum and contributing to the current European Year of Skills with its focus on a strategic approach to solving labour and skills shortages.

Link:, dated November 16, 2023 3:44 pm

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