United States

Statement from USCIS Acting Director Tracy Renaud in Honor of Immigrant Heritage Month

“June marks the seventh annual celebration of Immigrant Heritage Month, which honors the individual and collective contributions made by immigrants in communities across the United States.

In keeping with President Biden’s Executive Order 14012, Restoring Faith in Our Legal Immigration Systems and Strengthening Integration and Inclusion Efforts for New Americans, we are working to rebuild confidence in our lawful immigration system and promote the benefits and privileges of citizenship to those who may be eligible.

At USCIS, our mission is to administer our nation’s legal immigration system fairly, humanely and in a way that honors what the American dream represents to people all over the world. We believe there is no better way to continue our nation’s long, proud tradition of welcoming immigrants than by providing equitable access to benefits through timely, efficient and fair adjudications.

Over the last decade, USCIS naturalized an average of 730,000 citizens and welcomed an average of 1,029,800 new immigrants yearly. On an average day, we naturalize 2,000 new citizens and grant permanent residence to more than 2,500 people. And despite our nation’s continued fight against COVID-19, USCIS has continued to carry out these important functions. In the case of naturalization, we have successfully returned to pre-pandemic levels and reduced our backlogs by 100,000 since January 2021.

This June, USCIS will continue to highlight the benefits and services available to noncitizens, providing them with the tools they need to be successful throughout their journey to become new U.S. citizens and beyond.

Diversity is part of what makes America strong and what makes USCIS so important. The work we do each day has a direct impact on individuals and families who hope to call America home. Celebrating Immigrant Heritage Month is a celebration of America since we are, after all, a nation of immigrants.”


Link: https://www.uscis.gov/news/news-releases/statement-from-uscis-acting-director-tracy-renaud-in-honor-of-immigrant-heritage-month, dated June 16, 2021 1:18 pm

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