EU Migration and Homeaffairs
The Commission hosts the second plenary of the EU Network Against Corruption
On 3 October, the European Commission hosted the second plenary meeting of the EU Network Against Corruption in Brussels. Launched in May 2023 as part of the European Commission’s anti-corruption set of proposals, the EU Network brings together national authorities, civil society, researchers, EU agencies, and international organisations to foster collaboration, share best practices, and strengthen the fight against corruption across the EU.
A video message from Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, opened the meeting, highlighting how Member States have strengthened their commitment to fight corruption, dedicating more resources and making anti-corruption institutions stronger, while stepping up actions on prevention.
In their opening remarks, Mr Oliver Röpke, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, and Mr François Valérian, President of the Board at Transparency International, underlined the importance of engaging civil society representatives and the private sector in the fight against corruption.
The plenary started with an overview of the work carried out by the Commission in the last year, including the publication of the fifth Rule of Law Report in July 2024 and the launch of the Anti-Corruption Partnership Forum. The Commission also presented a first draft of the EU Network’s Rules of Procedure, ensuring high standards of transparency.
Representatives of anti-corruption networks active across the EU presented their ongoing work and upcoming activities to stimulate synergies. Participants then focused on how to efficiently assess corruption risks at national level, and were presented with the findings of an external study on high-risk areas of corruption. They later exchanged success stories and strategies for fighting high level corruption, with speakers from national prosecution authorities underlining the critical role of civil society in monitoring such cases.
The outcomes of the second plenary will support the Commission in developing practical guidance on various areas of common interest and in building the first EU anti-corruption strategy.
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Link:, dated October 3, 2024 3:54 pm