How to immigrate to Quebec?
Québec Humanitarian immigration – Government-assisted refugees selected abroad by Québec

A certain number of refugees whose status is first recognized by the government of Canada are eligible to resettle in Québec.
How to apply?
It is a two-step process; 1st Step Refugee Selection Pool: each year the government of Québec accepts a certain number of refugees already approved by the government of Canada and creates a pool of refugees for further processing. 2nd step Québec Selection Process: the refugees are then further assessed by several other factors for final selection as government-assisted refugees. Private sponsorships have fewer selection factors and are comparatively easier than government sponsorship.
Selection factors | Refugees abroad: 1) The refugee must be outside of the country of origin/habitual residence. 2) have a well-founded fear of persecution based on a) race, b) religion, c) nationality, d) membership in a particular social group, e) political opinion. 3) Refugees cannot return or will not seek the protection of their own country, 4) Refugees currently do not have any sustainable solution within a reasonable time. Person in the Country of Asylum Class: To be eligible you: 1) Must be outside of the country of origin/habitual residence. 2) you have suffered or still suffering from civil war, armed conflict, human rights violations in your country of origin. 3) you currently do not have any sustainable solution within a reasonable time. 4) you have arranged collective sponsorship for yourself. Refugees in Canada (status is determined by IRB – the Immigration and Refugee Board) 1) To be recognized as a convention refugee, you: i) Must be outside of the country of origin/habitual residence, ii) have a well-founded fear of persecution based on your a) race, b) religion, c) nationality, d) membership in a particular social group, e) political opinion. iii) Cannot return or will not seek the protection of your own country. 2) To be recognized as a Person in Need of Protection: You would be eligible under this class if you are at risk of torture, or risk of cruel and unusual treatment by your state or non-state parties. You may get this status from either IRB or IRCC after successful completion of the PRRA (pre-removal risk assessment) application. |
Language skills | Personal qualities and language skills are considered. |
Relationship | The presence of children and any relationship in Québec. |
Work experience | Paid or unpaid work history. |
Education | Education and resourcefulness. |
Personal qualities | Personal qualities such as flexibility, social skills, etc. will be judged through past experiences and roles. |
Need for protection | If the refugee is in urgent need of protection, there will be a less stringent assessment for integrations and other soft requirements. |
LINKS AND RESOURCES: (Accessed in Sep 2021).